Transfer to a 4-Year College or University
- Transfer Application Filing Period:
- SJSU Steps to Admission Fall 2023
- Use the Transfer Checklist to review next steps
- From application to enrollment, use this Transfer Checklist to make sure you are completing all the necessary steps to transfer.
- Make sure you Prepare to Complete the UC & CSU Transfer Application before you start.
CSU applications for Fall 2022 are open October 1 - November 30. Some campuses have extended deadlines. Check each campus for exact date.
- CSU Application Dates & Deadlines
- CSU Application Do's and Dont's
- CSU Application Guide
- CSU Application Tutorial Videos
- CSU Basic Needs Support
- CSU Cost of Attendance
- CSU GE Breadth
- Cal State Quick Start Guide & FAQs
- Contact a CSU Campus
- EOP Admission
- Ask for Help: Applicant Support (If encountering issues)
- Chat: Live Chat support located in Help Center
- Email:
- Phone: 857-304-2087
- What to Expect After You Apply to CSU
Lower Division Transfer Program - This web site helps students who are planning to transfer to a California State University by providing academic road maps for the completion of lower-division major preparation.
UC applications for Fall 2022 are open from November 1 - November 30
- Contact a UC Campus
- How to Apply
- UC Application Tutorial Videos
- UC/CSU Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)
- UC Majors
- UC Resource Guide
- Personal Insight Questions
- Reference Guide to UC Admission
- Ask for Help: Applicant Support (If encountering issues)
- Email:
- Phone: (800) 207-1710
UC TAG applications are open September 1 - September 30.
A Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG), is a formal agreement between a student in attendance at Gavilan College and a receiving baccalaureate granting institution to which the student intends to transfer. The agreement guarantees admission to a transfer university a year in advance for a fall term admission. A TAG may also guarantee admission into a major. Because the requirements of universities vary, it is advisable that students consult a counselor for more detailed information. Counselors will help you determine your eligibility for a TAG and assist with the required documents.
Seven UC campuses participate in the TAG program and require an online TAG application. Planning is critical to ensure your TAG is complete, processed and approved.
Determine Eligibility for TAG
- review the TAG basic eligibility by accessing university links below and the TAG Matrix
- read the university website (follow the links) for major preparation requirements
- collect all transcripts (Gavilan and any college attended)
- collect all test scores (Advance Placement, CLEP, IBB)
- calculate transferable units and transferable GPA and compare with minimum TA requirements
After completing the above steps, schedule a counseling appointment to review UC eligibility and TAG. You must have transcripts and test score information available at your appointment. Counseling appointments can be scheduled online:
University of California Eligibility Links:
Students are limited to one UC TAG application.
* Please note: TAG Requirements are subject to change
Disclaimer: The final responsibility for successful transfer rests with the student. The information posted on this webpage is designed to assist you. The information is subject to change without notice which may subsequently impact your transfer admissions. You are encouraged to meet with your Gavilan counselor early in the planning process and often during the year prior to transfer.
UC Admission Application - My UC Application
- UC Transfer Pathways Guide Page:
Application deadlines vary by campus.
Private & Out-of-State Institutions - Transfer Guides/Agreements
Certain private and out-of-state universities have completed course agreements with Gavilan College to facilitate student transfer. The following universities have provided students with a course transfer pattern that would maximize the credits earned at Gavilan:
Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities ( AIICU)
Additional Resources
- ASSIST - ASSIST is an online student-transfer information system that shows how course credits earned at one public California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California’s public colleges and universities and provides the most accurate and up-to-date information about student transfer in California. Watch this video to learn how to use assist: Assist Video
- Accrediting Agencies U.S. Department of Education database of accrediting agencies for schools
- Articulation vs. Transferable - terms used often in college. Know the difference!
- Gavilan College Career Services - The staff can assist you with:
- Information on university majors and graduation requirements
- Assistance with filling out college applications
- Schedule meetings with university representatives
- Referrals to a counselor who will assist with educational planning
- CSU application fee waivers
- A library of current college catalogs
- A reference library of updated books on careers, internships, scholarships and occupational outlook
- Use the computerized career information program, EUREKA , which is designed to assist you in selecting a major or career.