Full-Time Faculty Positions
All applicants for academic service must meet the minimum qualifications for the discipline as specified in Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges, published by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. All degrees and credits earned in fulfillment of minimum requirements must be from accredited institutions. Applicants who do not meet the minimum stated educational qualifications may apply for equivalency by submitting the Supplemental Application for Equivalency.
For positions requiring a degree, all foreign degree credentials must be evaluated by a third party to determine the equivalent U.S. degree and major, and the Foreign Credential Evaluation must be attached to your application before your application will be considered. Not attaching your Foreign Credential Evaluation will render your application incomplete. Evaluations should provide the name of the institution attended, a description of your credentials, the major field of study, and the U.S. equivalent for each credential. For a list of evaluating agencies, visit the State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Note: Even if you obtained your graduate degree(s) in the U.S., you must attach a Foreign Credential Evaluation for your undergraduate degree if it was obtained outside the U.S.