What to Expect the 1st and 2nd weeks of Spring 2025: Waitlists and Add Codes
What is a Waitlist?
A waitlist keeps track of students who are in line for spots in a full class. If a place becomes available before the first day of class, the student at the top of the waitlist will have the spot reserved for them for 24 hours.
Are There Strategies for Getting on a Waitlist?
Before you waitlist:
- Make sure all holds are cleared on your student account and your account is in good standing.
- Complete a prerequisite verification for the course you want to join (if needed).
After you join a waitlist:
- Double check your class schedule to make sure you joined the waitlist properly.
- You may only register for one waitlist section per course.
- If a waitlist is full, but you still want to join the waitlist, regularly check to see if waitlist spots open up.
- Be patient if you really want to add the class.
- Check your waitlist position daily on your class schedule on your myGav account to see if you are eligible to add the class.
- If you move to the top of the waitlist, also known as position (0), make sure you add the class within 24 hours, or you will forfeit your spot to the next person on the waitlist.
If you are still on a waitlist when the term starts:
- Attend the first and second class meetings (if class meets in person) or email the instructor (if class is online) even if you are still on the waitlist. Let the instructor know you are on the waitlist and are interested in adding the class.
How Do I Join a Waitlist?
Join a waitlist online through your myGav account.
- Go to myGav and log in with your myGav login information.
- From the Student homepage, select Self Service Banner, then Students
- Click on "Registration"
- Click on "Add or Drop Classes."
- Select the correct term from the drop-down menu and click “Submit”.
- You'll see a section called "Add Classes Worksheet."
- In the CRN area, there are several text entry boxes. Enter the CRN of the class you want to waitlist and click "Submit Changes." A CRN is a five-digit Course Registration Number. You can find CRN's on the course schedule.
- If the status of your selected class says "Class Full," a note will advise you to choose the "Waitlist" option from the drop-down menu.
- Select the "Waitlist" option, then click "Submit Changes" again.
- Now the class should appear on your current schedule with the status of "Waitlist."
- You have successfully waitlisted the class.
Do All Classes Have Waitlists?
For the Spring 2025 Semester all classes have waitlists. When attempting to register for a full class, a message will appear if a waitlist is available. You can also see if there is a waitlist by viewing information about the specific courses. Look for the columns “WL Cap”, “WL Act”, “WL REM”. If the WL Cap is zero there is not a waitlist for that section. If WL Cap shows 20, there is a waitlist. WL Actual shows how many are on the waitlist currently, and WL REM shows how many seats remain available on the waitlist. Note in example below, the first 3 classes (80093,80095, 80096) have a waitlist capacity of 20, the remaining classes have a waitlist capacity of zero, thus they do not have waitlists.
How Do I Receive an Add Code if Waitlisted for an Online Class?
Add codes will NOT be available the first week of the Spring 2025 Semester. (Jan 27-Feb 1)
Add codes will only be available at the start of the second week of the Spring 2025 (Feb 3-Feb 7)
If you are waitlisted for an online class, keep the following in mind:
- Add codes are not used until AFTER the start of the term.
- Check your schedule regularly to keep track of your place on the waitlist.
- Waitlisted students will not be able to access the class until they add the class.
- If you are still on the waitlist on the first day of the term, you can email your instructor to see if they will allow you to add the class. Many instructors will not permit additional students to a full online class. The decision to add a waitlisted student to an online class is entirely up to the instructor.
- You can find your instructor's email address by clicking on the course's CRN in the Class Schedule Listing.
- If you receive an add code for the class, be sure to add the class within the time frame given by the instructor.
Will I Be Charged Fees for Being on a Waitlist?
No, you will not be charged for being on a waitlist. You will need to pay registration fees once you are able to add the class.
When Does a Waitlist Become Full?
For most classes and sections, the waitlist becomes available after the last seat in a class is taken.
Once the waitlist reaches its maximum capacity of 20, no more students can join. If the waitlisted students either enroll in the class or drop from the list, the waitlist will open up again.
Can I Waitlist Multiple Sections of a Course?
No. You can only be on one waitlist per course. You cannot join additional waitlists for other sections of the same course.
Do Waitlists Check for Prerequisites?
No, getting on the wait list does not mean you have satisfied the prerequisite for the class. You must have the proper prerequisites to register for a class. Joining a waitlist does not waive prerequisite requirements. If you are the top of the waitlist and receive an email that you can register for a class, you will receive an error message and not be able to add the class if you have not satisfied the prerequisite.
Can I Join a Waitlist with Holds on My Account?
No, you cannot join a waitlist if there are holds on your account. A hold placed on your account will prevent you from accessing the Add or Drop Classes page. It is your responsibility to keep your account in good standing. You will receive holds on your account for outstanding fees, unpaid library fines, unreturned books or materials, and disciplinary issues.
Contact Admissions and Records, admissions@gavilan.edu if you have holds on your account.
Can Instructors Add Students to Class Waitlist?
No. You are responsible for joining a waitlist.
What is the Last Day to Join a Waitlist?
You can join waitlists through the first week of the Spring 2025 term. If a class is full/closed, adding yourself to the waitlist is the only way to add a class. Waitlists will continue to run through the first week of the Spring 2025 term.
How Long Do I Have to Join a Class Once at Top of Waitlist?
When you reach the top of the waitlist, which is position (0), you will have 24 hours to register.
If you do not register within the 24-hour window, you will be dropped from the waitlist. If this happens, you can add yourself to the waitlist again. Your name will go to the bottom of the list and the process will begin again.
Do I Have To Attend the Class(es) I’m on the Waitlist for?
Online Classes: No. If you remain on the waitlist after the semester begins, you must contact your instructor to see if s/he will let you add the class, before you can login to any online class.
In Person Classes: Yes. Attend the first and second meetings and let the instructor know that you were on the waitlist.
At their discretion, faculty may issue an add code to students in the order they appear on their waitlist. Waitlisted students who are given a seat on or after the first day of class will require an add code to register for the class.
How Do I Drop From a Waitlist?
If you are no longer interested in a class, please drop from the waitlist because it frees a spot for someone else who may need the course.
You can drop from a waitlist at any time by following these steps:
- Go to myGav and log in with your myGav login information.
- From the Student homepage, select “Self Service Banner”, then “Students”
- Click on "Registration"
- Click on "Add or Drop Classes."
- Select the correct term from the drop-down menu and click submit.
- Select the “Drop NRS” action from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the “Submit Changes.”
What if a Class I’m on the Waitlist for is Canceled?
If a class is canceled, we will notify all registered and waitlisted students. All students will be dropped from the class. You will not be charged for a canceled class.