How to Apply?
The student must meet all qualifications in order to participate.
Incoming freshman Gavilan Students Criteria:
- Must be transfer bound to a four-year college/university
- Register for Puente English 1A/210 writing in the Fall and Puente English 1C in the Spring
- Register for Puente Guidance 6 in the Fall and Puente Guidance 1 in the Spring
- Participate in all the program activities (Mentoring events, college tours, Puente Motivational Conference, End of the Year Celebration, etc.)
How to Apply: Incoming Freshmen
Apply to Gavilan College |
Review Placement Information |
Complete our Gavilan Orientation |
Meet with Puente Counselor |
Continuing Gavilan Students qualifications
- Must be transfer bound to a four-year college/university
- In good academic standing
- Register for Puente English 1A/210 writing in the Fall and Puente English 1C in the Spring
- Register for Puente Guidance 6 in the Fall and Puente Guidance 1 in the Spring
- Participate in all the program activities
How to Apply: Continuing Gavilan Students
Meet Puente Project qualifications |
Complete an academic progress report |
Meet with Puente Counselor |