Program Integrated Planning and Review, Resource Allocation Process Committee (PIPR-RAP)
The fundamental purpose of ongoing, Program Integrated Planning and Review (PIPR) is to maintain and if possible improve the effectiveness of every College program and service, and of the institution as a whole, based on the results of regular, systematic assessment. The review and ranking of non-personnel resource allocation (RAP) requests in program plans is the natural conclusion of the committee. The ultimate beneficiaries of program integrated planning and review are our students and the community we serve.
Specifically, program review and resource allocation facilitates:
- Creation of a three-year plan for each program
- Institutional & program improvement through the comprehensive self-study, peer review, and planning process
- Development of a three-year budget request plan, including data to support annual budget requests
- Ranking resource allocation requests to move programs and thus the college, toward achieving its strategic plan goals
- Creation of a living document that provides all basic information and forward planning for each program; can be referenced by stakeholders via public website
- Program leadership continuity of expertise (e.g., a department chair change)
- A baseline for the integrated planning process and cycle
- Assessment of Program viability
- Accreditation compliance; board policy / administrative procedure compliance (c.f. BP/AP 4020, BP/AP 6200)
Another purpose of the process is to focus available resources—staff time, budget, technology, space - on the achievement of goals and objectives intended to maintain or improve effectiveness of the program itself, but also the programs’ contribution to the College’s Strategic Plan. Achieving some objectives requires resources over and above what is available, which means that a resource request is necessary. But achieving others requires no extra resources—only the reallocation of existing ones
Plan and Review Process
Creating an integrated plan and review report entails information from a variety of different sources; degrees awarded, student counts, outcome assessment, previous plans and reviews, financial data, and much more. On the Resources page, links to reports in GavData as well as outside sources are listed for your convenience. Throughout the Planning and Review template you will find links that bring you to these pages for information as well. If you know of additional resources that should be included here, please contact Veronica Andrade: or Marilyn Morikang: